Membership and Donations
You can support our mission by becoming a member or donating to Right to Quiet at any time. Join the growing movement against noise pollution, and support those fighting for recognition of noise as a public health issue rather than a mere nuisance or annoyance. We promote the value of access to quiet for people everywhere, through education, civic engagement, media campaigns, and alliances with a network of activists, advocates, and research scientists. We offer guidance and we support members’ efforts to address noise problems locally and beyond.
The Right to Quiet Society for Soundscape Awareness and Protection is a registered charitable organization in Canada with worldwide membership. Contributions are tax-deductible in Canada, and a receipt for income tax purposes will be sent for contributions of $10 or more. Annual dues are payable in January.
If you are joining after July 1, you may pay half the amount quoted below:
Single | $20.00 |
Family | $30.00 |
Student/Senior/Low-income | $10.00 |
Business | $100.00 |
Non-profit organization | $50.00 |
Please join the growing movement for recognition of our Right to Quiet. Any membership fee and/or donation qualifies you as a member. Membership benefits include:
- Free consultation/assistance with community noise-related problems
- AGM voting rights and right to join RTQ committees
- Quarterly NOISELetter
- Bumper sticker (if requested)
- Silence the Horns Post-it® notes (if requested)
- Canadian tax receipt
To pay by credit card, click here. The link takes you to the secure CanadaHelps.org site, which handles our credit card payments.
Click here to print the Membership Application form in Adobe Reader PDF format. Please complete the form and mail it, with payment, to Right to Quiet Society, 612 Kent Road, Victoria BC V8Z1Z1 CANADA. You can download Adobe Reader here.